Did you know that there is a burglary every two minutes in the UK? It might seem a bit high, but sadly it’s very true. On top of that, the average burglary costs homeowners £3,000. It’s just one of the reasons investing in good home security is so important. And

Biometric security has been around for a long time and is widely considered one of the most secure options out there. Even Hollywood thinks so- with Williams resorting to violent acts to get past them. The reason for that is simple – everyone is different. Each person’s fingerprint, retina, sound

If you have a business with a premises, you want to protect it as much as you can. The very first thing most business owners do here is install a CCTV system, so that they can keep an eye on their entire workplace at once in real time. But we’re

If you’ve been on the internet in the last few weeks, then you’ve probably seen Amazon Ring’s latest demonstration of their new gadget. The Always Home Cam is an autonomous security drone designed to keep an eye on your home when you’re not there. But with so much hype and

When you think of a burglar breaking into a house, what comes to mind? Do they break in using a small set of professional lockpicks? Or are they breaking a window with their elbow to force their way inside? Those are the images that Hollywood has instilled in us, but

When it comes to keeping your property secure, there are a number of different routes you can go down. To the point where it can be a bit overwhelming! One of the things we’re asked about most often is CCTV remote monitoring systems – specifically what they are, and what

When it comes to trying to scare off burglars there are a lot of different ways you can go about it. From alarm systems to CCTV, there is a security solution to help keep homes and businesses safe. One of the most common (and cheaply found) security measures you can

Burglary is the 5th most common type of crime in the UK, and it’s only getting more common as the cost of living crisis increases. As people get more desperate, more are turning to crime as a way to survive. But no one wants to be the victim of that

Shoplifting is an ongoing problem for retail stores. Earlier this year the National Association for Shoplifting Prevention releveled that there are over 550,000 shoplifting incidents every day, resulting in over $50 billion in retail losses every single year. And with the cost of living at an all time high, that

Your home is your castle. Your safe space and sanctuary that’s all yours. A big part of that is keeping unwanted people out and making sure all of the things that are important to you are safe. But since your home probably isn’t an actual castle, you might have to