Why are Security Doors Different to Standard Doors?
If you are looking to improve your security system, the best place to start with is your doors. Although most of us are careful about locking windows and adding security grills or firm shutters to secure them further, doors around residential premises are still left vulnerable.
Despite their obvious placement, burglars often find doors to be their easiest access points. The standard issue locks that come fitted with these doors are no match for an experienced burglar’s tools. Security doors, on the other hand, have been designed keeping in mind the burglar’s best techniques and tools. Consequently, they offer better protection for you and your property.
Security doors are a great addition for any kind of property. Be it important offices within your commercial building or storage spaces in retail outlets, they are a must-have for most businesses too.
Impenetrable and strong
Steel is by far the most widely used material to manufacture security doors. Steel security doors are extremely strong and they act as a visual deterrent, i.e., they look invincible enough that intruders would refrain from tampering them.
The accessories that come with steel doors are quiet resilient too. Wooden, PVC or fibreglass doors have a comparatively poor frame, and cannot offer the same protection that a steel door can.
Steel doors are built to last a lifetime. They are sure to outdo the performance of wooden, composite and any other kind of doors. Although these doors may seem heavy and promising when they are new, they cannot weather extreme temperatures and are prone to rot from the inside, making their exterior seem tough even when they are not. Hence, steel security doors are a better option.
Locking system
Steel doors come equipped with multiple locks and a single locking system. They can be connected to your main security system and programmed to be auto locked when you punch in your security code.
If you use a key, one turn of the key can secure the entire frame and set multiple locks in place. The keys too are almost impossible to duplicate. A burglar certainly cannot figure out the entire locking system before his attempts alert you.
Although wooden doors too can be fitted with multiple locking points, their frames are not strong enough to hold them. This makes it just as easy to break in.
Customised fit
While other types of doors pay more attention to decor and are available only in a few standard sizes, steel doors can be custom made to suit your interiors and other requirements. Customising your doors increases their compatibility to your available space making them easier to install securely.
Security doors have been built taking into consideration the disadvantages and limitations of standard issue doors. They are designed to offer your property better protection and ward away any unwelcome attempts to vandalise or break in.
While adding grills and gates to your doors as an additional preventive measure is an option, the time and expense spent on these additions make it simpler to opt for security doors to begin with.