When you’re looking for ways to protect your home from intruders, you might be tempted to go for systems with all the bells and whistles. And yes, a lot of these are very good, but they’re no substitute for good old-fashioned understanding. See, if you want to prevent a burglary, then you need to think like a burglar and know what it is they’re looking for. So today, we’re going to walk you through the process a burglar goes through when they break into a house, one step at a time.
Find Your Target
The first thing to do is find an ideal target. You’ll want to avoid houses that look too well-protected, or that it would be too difficult to get into without being detected. Instead, look for houses that show signs that no one will be back soon. Packages left on the driveway all day, notes on the door for afternoon deliveries, blinds or curtains shut at odd times. If you’re scouting at night, look for quiet, dark houses with no signs of life. You can even peek through the windows to see what’s worth stealing – think TVs, tablets, laptops and anything else valuable.
Top Security Tips: Arrange for packages to be left out of sight if you’re not in. Put your lights on timers that mirror your normal habits if you’re away, so that it looks like the house is still occupied.
Stay Under The Radar
The last thing you want as a burglar is attention. Whether that’s being involved in a confrontation with an angry neighbour, getting hurt during your break in or being arrested, it’s the last thing you want. So you’ll stay inconspicuous. Maybe do your scouting at night, where you can see pools of shadows around the house that you can hide in. Stay out of sight of any cameras, after all the last thing you want to do is be caught on camera!
Top Security Tips: Make sure the outside of your house is lit. No, we don’t mean have Christmas lights up all year round, but have motion-sensor lights covering all angles around your home. Do a walk-round when it’s dark and see if you can find any hidden areas where someone could hide, and position lights to pick them out. Next, imply a threat by putting up an alarm system – including a sign telling people that they’re there!
Pick Your Entrance
Warm spring days and crisp autumn air make opening the windows almost irresistible. And as a burglar, they’re your best friend! You scout the premises, walking the circumference of the home, trying each door and window until one gives way. First floor windows are ideal, but don’t forget that trees can be climbed, or ladders can be easily found in unlocked shed. Darker, unattended parts of the house are ideal for this.
Top Security Tips: Make sure you install high-security locks (with deadbolts) on your doors and windows – and then use them! A lock is only useful if the door or window it’s attached to is closed when no one is home. Avoid hiding spare keys – it sort of defeats the point of locking the door! Keep your garden and front lawn free of big rocks or anything else that could be used to break a window, don’t allow trees to grow close to your property, and keep tools and ladders locked away.
Depending on the type of burglar you want to be, you might use a ruse to get into a home that promises a big payout. You could want to steal right away, or just scout the premises to come back later. If this is you, then you need a good story to get inside. Common disguises include a utility provider, meter reader, delivery driver or even a police officer.
Top Security Tips: Make sure you ask for identification from anyone who visits your home that you aren’t expecting (and even if you are expecting them). If you aren’t sure – don’t let them in. Call the company they say they’re from to verify. A legitimate person won’t mind – a burglar will probably take off.
Got Online
The internet is full of communities coming together with a common interest sharing information and tips. Burglary is no exception! If you want tips, or to debate how to quietly break a window, or understand why some prefer carding locks vs kicking the door in, the internet has the answers. So to make your burglary attempts as successful as possible, get online.
Top Security Tips: It’s best to fight fire with fire here. Get yourself online and learn as much as you can about home security and how to protect yourself, your family and your home.
If you think your home is susceptible to break in by a burglar following this script, then it’s time you got the professionals in. At Securifix we provide a wide range of home security solutions, from monitored alarms to cameras and more. We also offer a free security audit, where one of our professionals does a complete walkaround and gives you pointers on where to improve. If you’d like to know more, just get in touch with the team at Securifix today.